Remember When You Could Lift Over 500 Lbs. We Don’T Remember That Either. However, With The Wen Service Cart, Lifting 500 Lbs. Has Never Been Easier. This Cart Plays The Perfect Companion For It Departments, Cleaning Crews, Filmmakers, Gardeners, Mechanics Or Anyone Else Looking For A Heavy-Duty Lightweight Mobile Storage Station. Constructed From Industrial-Strength Polypropylene, The Wen Service Cart Features Two 250 Lbs. Capacity 30-By-16 In. Shelves, Four 5 In. Non-Marring Casters, A Built-In Handle, A Cupholder, A Towel Rack And 5 Small Storage Compartments For Screws And Bolts. And Because It’S A Wen Product, Your Cart Comes , A Stocked Inventory Of Replacement Parts, And A Friendly Customer Help Line. Finally, There’S No Need For A Gym Membership In Order To Successfully Lift Over 500 Lbs. Remember When You Had A Simple Way For Mobile Organization. Remember Wen.
- Two 30 In. By 16 In. By 4 In. Shelves Hold Up To 500 Lbs. Of Evenly Distributed Weight
- Avoid Rust, Chips, And Dents With An Easy-To-Clean Surface For Simple Maintenance
- 5 In. Non-Marring Casters Provide Effortless And Smooth Mobility Without Scuffing Surfaces
- Convenient Push Handles Include A Variety Of Smaller Compartments Along With A Cup-Holder And Towel Rack For Additional Storage
- Constructed From Industrial-Strength Polypropylene For Maximum Durability
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